Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If anybody can tell me how does drug testing using hair work?

I want to know more about hair drug testing. The company I閳ユ獡 working with are conducting these tests. I wanna be sure that I do not get into the net due to false reasons. So if anybody can tell me how does drug testing using hair work?

If anybody can tell me how does drug testing using hair work?

I hope you don閳ユ獩 want to cheat the system. Anyways, hair testing is quite accurate and can go back normally 3 months (6 months or longer possible with specialty tests), showing any drugs of abuse used in the detection window. As hair grows out, any drugs used are encased in the hair shaft, so the longer the hair, the longer back in the individual's drug history the lab can detect. Accredited hair drug testing labs, however, only use hair within about 2.5閳? cm of the scalp, and discard the rest. With head hair each 0.5 inch (0.8 cm) corresponds to about 30 days. This limits the detection history to about 90 days, depending upon the rate of growth of the individual's hair. check out more on the links below

If anybody can tell me how does drug testing using hair work?

drugs can and do go into your hair and it is all about when you did drug as to where it would show up in your hair. hair grows out....crew cut.....

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