Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said

BUT I heard that its can be over a year what is the right answer

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

Depends on the drug up to 90 days

hair tests

Are not significantly affected by brief periods of abstinence from drugs.

Can sometimes be used to determine when use occured and if it has been discontinued. Drugs, such as opiates (codeine, morphine, heroin) lay down on the hair shaft very tightly and are shown not to migrate along the shaft, thus, if a long segment of hair is available one can draw some "relative" conclusions about when the use occurred. However cocaine, although very easy to detect, is able to migrate along the shaft; making it very difficult to determine when the drug was used and for how long.

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

usually about 90 days

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

years and years depending on how long your hair is

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

Depends on which drug is tested for, but hair tests usually go back about 90 days or so, assuming you cut your hair regularly (like about once a month).

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

What!?!?!?! What does taking a drug test have to do with your hair growing?!?!?

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

They only take a few hairs! They just plucked out a few on my head, they wanted it all the way to the root. You will never know there missing. Unless you only have 20-30 to begin with. As far as new growth, it depends on how long it is.

If your taking a drug test and they cut your hair how long does it go back for, the cps people said only 3 day

Hair samples last the longest. Definately over 3 days!

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