Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Does the McCujo method of passing a drug test work?

I'm referring to the McCujo method of duping a hair follicle drug test. Does this treatment coupled with using a special detox shampoo on the day of the test really work?

Yes, I already know that not using drugs is the surest way to pass a drug test, so Captain Obvious need not reply with an answer.

Does the McCujo method of passing a drug test work?

I doubt that you'll pass the test and you'll look awful frying your hair like that. Get any of the ingredients in your eye and you'll be in agony and your eyes will be redder than they ever got from pot. It'll probably irritate your skin so you look like a meth addict too. even if you pass the test, you'll look like such a druggie, they'll want a retest.

Does the McCujo method of passing a drug test work?


Does the McCujo method of passing a drug test work?

don't use drugs

Does the McCujo method of passing a drug test work?

I'm not sure.

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