Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

Two years ago my husbands ex-wife sent my him papers stating that she was ammending their divorce papers for supervised visitation only. She did this two months after our child was born, I assume because she was mad because she thought we would lower her child support.

The allegations for the supervised visitation were that he was not taking his anti-psychotic medication and that he did illegal drugs and drank alcohol. Me, not ever having been involved in this sort of thing thought that if we just showed the judge the actual medicine labels printed from the pharmacy to show that the drugs that he took were not anti-psychotic but actually sleeping pills (along with his medical records) and agreed to a hair drug test that this would prove all her allegations to be untrue and all would be good...boy was I wrong. We were pretty much treated like the most dysfunctional family in the history of time.

My husband feeling defeated (and we not really having the extra money for an attorney)

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

Ive been through this with my now x but honestly the best thing you can do is follow every order the judge makes to a T. I can say that it works. the supervised visitation will only be temporary, unless she can prove he violates it in any way. You can also make it a nuteral place to be supervised, such as his parents home. Supervised doesn't mean by HER, it means by a neutral party. I wish you luck but it will all blow over just give it some time. She'll meet a new man and have somebody else to tourture soon! ;)

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

You need to research attorney's first.

Be looking for an attorney who has the reputation of being tough ... handled this type of cases before .. knows exactly what to do .. and has a large percentage of wins.

This will cost you money .. but you have problems that need solving.

You can TRY this .. it may, or may not .. give you some answers or help .. but .. call the Attorney General's Office in Texas .. and ask questions .. and tell them you need help in seeing the child.

I don't know how long ago the home study was ordered .. and how much time has passed since nothing has been done .. but you do need legal advice .. and you need legal advice that is sound %26amp; accurate ... you can be told so many different things.

Also ... never, ever, expect anyting in Court to go the way you think it will. The biggest surprises are made in a Court of Law ... especially when a person is convinced it will definely go the way they think it will go.

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

Hon, i'm very sorry to hear your family is going through this. I've seen so much bitterness between divorced people (including my own situation) and it seems the child is the one who suffers most... believe me when i tell you, the ex won't be very popular with her child, if she doesn't change her attitude. Kids grow up and can "see" the truth...

when you can afford it, get a well practiced family law attorney. some even give free consultations. What you said about the judge in this case is odd....but a good attorney knows his way around the law, and would be of great help.

take care

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

Being an ex wife, and a mom. All you have to beleive in is his side. NOT TO SAY HES BAD. But it DOES take two for a partnership to end. Forgiving his past is one thing, but a mom who has seen her child cry b/c of him is different. You may never understand that. His new wife of 10 years...she has learned on her own. But she is still with him. We are not friends, we dont even talk. Worring about child support (which he should pay) and visitation is different for you. You thout it was stupid to show up...well the judge saw you didnt care. I live in TX too. Show up to court. Keep a log of everything you do, including phone calls. Do everything youcan. Not for him but for yhe child. You knew there was bagged deal with it. He isnt in controle, take over. But it sounds like you only care about your money and him...what about the child...

How do we fight ridiculous allegations by my husbands ex-wife so that we can resume visitation?

post your story on - you will get excellent guidance. but I think you are going to need an attorney

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