Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do the shampoos that help to pass hair drug tests really work?

The best was to pass drug tests is to stop taking drugs. Why do people waste their lives with this? I've seen too many friends screw up their lives, end up in jail, lose jobs, and get sick from recreational drug use.

Do the shampoos that help to pass hair drug tests really work?

why don't you just stop taking drugs instead?

Do the shampoos that help to pass hair drug tests really work?

no, the drugs are actually inside your hair and not on the outside where they can be washed off.

Do the shampoos that help to pass hair drug tests really work?

nope it dont trust me you cant even take something to make you pass a piss test

Do the shampoos that help to pass hair drug tests really work?

sure go ahead and buy them and when you are done let me know i have a bridge i'd like to sell you. amazing what people will do to pass a drug test - here's a thought stop doing drugs they only make you stupid.

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