What is a guaranteed way to rid THC from your hair follicles. I have bough detox shampoo called Test Pure. I have also bought clarifying shampoo, TGel shampoo containing 1 Coal Tar and also have been saturating my hair with distilled white vinegar. Anybody know if this will work or if there is a better way, and no I will not stop smoking or get halp for my problems. So dont respond with counseling answers I dont need that.
Hair follicle drug testing? Ok. But none of those things work. NOTHING is "guaranteed," that's for sure. Hair will test positive for THC 3-6 months after you have last smoked. And you can't color it either because the hair color does not get into the base root of the follicle--the part in your head. And that's what they test. I'm telling you from not only a police perspective (did that for 10 years) but now I research drugs and there is nothing that will work---but time.
**Oh, and if you shave it....they'll just automatically violate you.
Hair follicle drug testing? Hi,
Did the cleansing shampoo work for you or any1 you personally know?
Niko Report It
Hair follicle drug testing? I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't know of a "guaranteed way." Those products don't work, and if you shave your head, they can use body hair.
Hair follicle drug testing? Shave it!
Hair follicle drug testing? THERE IS NO WAY TO RID ANY TOX FROM YOUR HAIR.
if you are taking a drug test of this nature there is no way to beat it and nothing you can buy to rid it. This test is an expensive and fool proof so- try whatever you want , your wasting time and money
Hair follicle drug testing? There is no way to rid any kind of drugs from your hair follicles. Even if you did drugs 10 years ago and quit. It will still show up in your hair follicles. There are a lot of gimmicks on the market that say they work. But they do not. Some one said shave your head. But when it grows back the chemicals will still be there.
Hair follicle drug testing? none of that will work, you noob.
you're screwed.
and by the way, if you shave your head, they'll just use a hair from your arm / body.
it's all the same.
Hair follicle drug testing? The fact that you are getting hair folicle testing is leading me to think that you are either taking a government, scientific, legal or a psychological type position... Either way, public service...
The fact that you're asking this question... Is frightening to consider.
Please tell me that you're just curious?
Hair follicle drug testing? bad news for you.....THC stays in hair follicles long time....up to 5 years, maybe longer, so you can try high times magazine, they are the only up to date source i know of on the subject but THC is a tough one....it's fat soluble and hair follicles can retrace your steps for up to 10 years :(
Hair follicle drug testing? There is nothing you can do. It's going to be in there no matter what. Your hair is made from straight protein and there is no way to get the impurities out. Just let it grow and keep on cutting. Chemical rings will eventually grow out of your hair. Good luck!
Hair follicle drug testing? Hahaha! Dude, you don't have a problem! Whats wrong with you? Are you a "guilty smoker"? Embrace the divine plant and don't be embarrassed about it. F*ck those hypocrites that judge you while they have no problem drinking alcohol.
Don't fall for the brainwashing the government lays down on the population. Celebrate the blossom and tell the brainwashed masses to fix the deadly alcohol problem before they judge you.
Go to Erowid or something for advice on detoxing....
Hair follicle drug testing? Save your money. They do tests on hair follicles because its way more accurate than urine and is proof positive to show up any drugs you have taken. Drugs stay in hair follicles because hair is a living thing with cells in the root of a hair (follicle) and contains your DNA. No, you don't shave your head to avoid this. They will take a pubic hair sample, and if you shave there, they will know somethings going on. Oh, by the way, all this junk you're putting on your hair, will show up too. Have a good day.
Hair follicle drug testing? I know people it has worked for and people it hasn't worked for. You can always try. As for it staying in your hair follicle for life, it doesn't. It grows out with your hair. It all depends on your own body chemistry and how fast your hair grows.
Hair follicle drug testing? Sorry dude it's IN your hair, not ON it. A cut length of hair will show your drug use over time, as in cut little peices from scalp to end and calculate what you were doing and when. Try applying somewhere that does urine instead of hair testing... and yes they can test on any hair from anywhere. I was trained to do hair testing and had a franchise for doing it. It doesn't "stay in your follicle forever" it goes into the hair. If you were to shave your head and quit doing drugs, in a few months your new hair would have no trace, how much of new growth would have a trace, i don't recall, some but not much, I seem to recall about a month's worth, but it's been a few years since I was involved in this.
Hair follicle drug testing? None of those things work. Sorry, you lose.